What is the local time at 40degrees east is 4:00pm on Saturday on which longitude is B whose time is 10:20am on saturday

To determine the local time at 40 degrees east, we need to know the time at the reference point, which is longitude B in this case.

The given information states that the time at longitude B is 10:20 am on Saturday. However, we don't know the specific time zone of longitude B or the relationship between it and the GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) time zone.

To calculate the local time at 40 degrees east, we need to consider the time difference between longitude B and the GMT time zone. The Earth rotates 360 degrees in 24 hours, which means that each time zone covers 15 degrees of longitude (24 hours / 360 degrees = 0.0667 hours/degree).

Since we know that there is a 9 hour and 40 minutes time difference between longitude B and 40 degrees east, we can calculate the time difference in degrees using the formula: time difference (in hours) = time difference (in minutes) / 60.

So, the time difference in degrees = (9 hours + (40 minutes / 60)) * 0.0667 hours/degree.

The final step is to add the time difference in degrees to 10:20 am on Saturday at longitude B to get the local time at 40 degrees east.

Please note that the calculation assumes a linear relationship between longitude and time, which may not accurately reflect time zone boundaries or daylight saving time adjustments.