Please help with this FAST! Which of the following are the main factors that led to World War I? Select the two correct answers.


the rise of fascism in some European countries

the invention of nuclear weapons and disagreement over their use

the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist

arguments about workers’ rights

alliances between countries


Cause, Effect, Cause, Effect


And YOU think … ?

B and C?

I agree with you about C, but not B.

Remember, this is about WWI, not WWII.

Is it A?

I mean D?

Can someone please help me with this

@yes this is 🐪🥟🤏 thanks for your help.

Hello students. This is my absolute 5th time catching students from my class and other classes cheating. I suggest you actually study and take your time with your lessons. If not, you will be found.


You have guessed with 3 different answers. Now you need to do some research and reading on your own.

1. Go to

2. Type in or copy&paste causes of WWI

3. Press the Enter key.

4. Read, read, read, and take good notes, including notes about any websites from which you copy information.