Which of the following did the Roman republic and Greek democracy have in common?

All citizens were granted freedom to practice various religions.

All citizens created the laws for their society.

Citizens could participate in government by voting.

Citizens put a constitutional monarchy in place so governmental power was shared.

my answer is D please help


2.The romans removed the last king power and set up a republic

Julius Caesar Because dictator of Rome

The period of Pax Romana began

The Edict of Milan was issued to allow romans to adopt Christianity

3. C

4. B,E

100% trust

what about the rest of the quick check?

a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

Definitely not A!!

you want the answers or not- 100% correct for connexus

I think its C????

C is correct.

You want answers or not is 💯 right!!! Tysm

stil right in 2022 ma boy

You are correct. So a constitution monarchy is not democracy. There must be participation by eligible citizens.

You want the answers or not, are 100% correct!

you want answers or not is correct

You want the answers or not is right i got 4/4


so its A

Either you skipped reading your text, or you just guessed. What is democracy?