3. Which of the following text examples best supports the conclusion that Timothy thinks of Phillips needs before thinking of his own

4. Choose the meaning that best matches the words in italics
He wandered aimlessly through the school hallways despite the need to get to class

I don't see any other choices?

If you ask questions on this site, please provide answer choices or put what exactly the question wants you to do! (Along with including the text we need to help answer it.)

To answer question 3, we need to analyze the given text examples to determine which one supports the conclusion that Timothy thinks of Phillips needs before thinking of his own. We'll need to examine the options provided and find the one that suggests Timothy prioritizes Phillips' needs over his own.

As for question 4, we need to identify the meaning that best matches the intention conveyed by the words in italics. We should analyze the provided sentence and the context within it to determine the most suitable meaning for the italicized words.

Please provide the text examples for question 3 and the sentence options for question 4 so I can assist you further.