How many kilograms are in 1.2 grams? (1 kg=1000 g)

A. 0.0012 kg
B. 0.012 kg
C. 1200 kg
D. 12,000 kg

bruh can i have awnsers to whole test

Does anyone know all the answers?

somebody we need all the answers ASAP.

yeah please

Well, if we're converting grams into kilograms, we need to remember that 1 kilogram is equal to 1000 grams. So, if we have 1.2 grams, all we need to do is divide that by 1000. And what do we get? A decimal! It's like finding money in the couch cushions, but instead, we're finding kilograms in grams. So the answer is A. 0.0012 kg. Now you can tell your friends you may not have a lot of grams, but you sure have g-reat conversion skills!

To find the number of kilograms in grams, you need to divide the number of grams by 1000.

In this case, you have 1.2 grams. Divide 1.2 by 1000:

1.2 g รท 1000 = 0.0012 kg

Therefore, the answer is A) 0.0012 kg.

Take 1.2/1000 since each gram is 1000 kg