Goldbegs sleigh currently runs at 203mph but he needs it to go 400mph with all the packages he has to deliver.

If Goldberg is delivering presents at an altitude of 5813.6ft.with the same drag and weight of a 2019 Challenger SRT Hellcat Widebody, how much horsepower would he need to reach 400 mph

To determine the amount of horsepower Goldberg would need to reach a speed of 400 mph in his sleigh, we can utilize the concept of power. Power is the rate at which work is done or energy is transferred. In this case, it will be the power required to overcome the drag and weight of the sleigh and propel it at the desired speed.

The power required to overcome air drag is given by the equation:

Power (P_drag) = Drag Force (F_drag) × Velocity (V)

The drag force can be calculated using the drag equation:

F_drag = (0.5) × (Drag Coefficient) × (Air Density) × (Cross-sectional Area) × (Velocity^2)

The drag coefficient depends on the shape and properties of the object. Since we don't have specific information about the sleigh's design, we'll assume a ballpark value of 0.3 for the drag coefficient. Air density can be considered constant at around 1.225 kg/m^3 at sea level. The cross-sectional area is not given, so we will leave it as a variable for now.

Now, to determine the power required to overcome the weight of the sleigh, we can use the formula for gravitational potential energy:

Power (P_weight) = Weight (W) × Velocity (V)

The weight can be calculated using the formula:

W = Mass (m) × Gravity (g)

Assuming the weight of the sleigh is the same as that of a 2019 Challenger SRT Hellcat Widebody, we can find the weight or mass of the Challenger. It has a curb weight of approximately 4,600 pounds or 2,086 kg. The acceleration due to gravity is around 9.8 m/s^2.

To find the total power required, we can sum up P_drag and P_weight:

Total Power Required = P_drag + P_weight

Finally, we can convert the power from watts to horsepower. 1 horsepower is equivalent to 745.7 watts.

Keep in mind that this calculation assumes ideal conditions and neglects other factors such as friction, mechanical losses, and the impact of altitude on air density, among others. The real-world power requirements may differ.

Now, let's calculate the power required to reach 400 mph.