Which is true regarding how presidential Congressional plans differed?

A: the president wanted to bring seceded back into the Union as quickly as possible
B:the president believed that Congress would be to soft on Southern Rebels
C:Congress refused to Grant African American citizenship rights
D:Congress president wanted to Pardon Southerners if they took an oath of allergy Aunt to the United States.
I think it is c

Please proofread the question and make sure no words have been omitted. (I'm wondering if it means President Lincoln, President Johnson, or Congress.)

And "allergy Aunt" <~~??

Sorry I meant Congress president wanted to pardon Southerners if they took an oath of Allegiance to the United States. Sryyyy

And it just says the president it doesn't say which president.

To determine which is the true statement regarding how presidential and Congressional plans differed during a specific historical period, it is important to gather information and analyze the context. In this case, we are referring to the post-Civil War period known as Reconstruction.

Option A: "The president wanted to bring seceded back into the Union as quickly as possible."
This statement refers to the presidential plan during Reconstruction. One of the major aims of Reconstruction was to restore the Southern states that had seceded back into the Union. However, it does not directly compare the plans of the president and Congress.

Option B: "The president believed that Congress would be too soft on Southern Rebels."
This statement refers to the attitude of the president concerning Congress's approach towards Southern rebels. While it suggests a difference in opinion between the president and Congress, it is only partially related to the plans themselves.

Option C: "Congress refused to grant African American citizenship rights."
This statement is incorrect. During Reconstruction, Congress played a crucial role in passing legislation aimed at improving the status of newly freed African Americans. The Reconstruction Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, including the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, were enacted by Congress to secure African American citizenship and rights.

Option D: "Congress's president wanted to pardon southerners if they took an oath of allegiance to the United States."
This statement refers to a congressional plan during Reconstruction. As part of efforts to reintegrate the Southern states into the Union, Congress established requirements for Southern states to be readmitted, which included taking an oath of allegiance to the United States. However, this statement does not specify the president's plan for pardoning Southerners.

Based on the given options, none of the statements provide a complete and accurate comparison of how presidential and Congressional plans differed during Reconstruction. Therefore, none of the options are true.