in the pigman and me is it clear that jennifer is a good friend to paul because...

A. she suggests that he run, not fight.
B. paul thinks she a beautiful
C. she is completely loyal to paul***
D. she and paul carved their name on a tree

@Writeacher Thanks! This helps more than I thought!

I haven't read this. Check here:

You're welcome!

To determine if Jennifer is a good friend to Paul in "The Pigman and Me," one can look for evidence in the text.

In order to find this evidence, you can analyze Jennifer's actions and statements towards Paul throughout the story. Pay attention to how their friendship is depicted and any instances where Jennifer demonstrates qualities of a good friend.

For option A, check the story to see if Jennifer suggests that Paul run instead of fight in a situation. If there is a conversation or scene where Jennifer advises Paul to run, this might be evidence that she is looking out for his well-being and is concerned for his safety.

For option B, look for passages where Paul expresses his admiration for Jennifer's appearance or beauty. Although it shows that Paul finds Jennifer attractive, it may not necessarily indicate whether their friendship is based on her being a good friend to him.

For option C, investigate instances where Jennifer displays loyalty towards Paul. Look for scenes where Jennifer supports Paul, stands up for him, or remains faithful to their friendship, even in difficult situations. This could be evidence of her being a good friend.

For option D, search for sections in the story where Jennifer and Paul carve their names on a tree, indicating a shared bond. While this may be a romantic gesture, it might also be a sign of a close friendship between them.

By examining the text and finding evidence of Jennifer's actions, dialogue, and interactions with Paul, you can make an informed decision about whether or not Jennifer is a good friend to him. Remember to consider multiple instances throughout the story to form a comprehensive understanding of their friendship dynamic.