Wich Persuasive technique appeals to the readers reason A.bandwagon B. Logical appeal

C.emotional appeal
D.celebrity endorment
E. Expert opinion

B logical appeal

The persuasive technique that appeals to the reader's reason is B. Logical appeal. Logical appeal involves using facts, evidence, and reasoning to persuade the reader or audience. It is based on the idea that people are swayed by logical arguments and rational thinking.

The persuasive technique that appeals to the readers' reason is the logical appeal, which is option B.

To understand why logical appeal is the correct choice, let's break down the options and their definitions:

A. Bandwagon: This persuasive technique aims to persuade people to take a course of action or believe something simply because others are doing it. It does not necessarily appeal to reason, but rather the desire to conform.

B. Logical appeal: This technique uses logical reasoning, evidence, and facts to persuade the audience. It relies on presenting rational arguments that make sense and appeal to the reader's intellect and critical thinking.

C. Emotional appeal: This technique aims to persuade the audience by appealing to their emotions, such as fear, excitement, pity, or happiness. While emotions can be influential, they do not necessarily rely on reason.

D. Celebrity endorsement: This technique involves using the support or endorsement of a famous person to persuade the audience. It appeals to the reader's admiration or trust in the celebrity, rather than reason.

E. Expert opinion: This persuasive technique relies on the endorsement or support of an expert in a specific field. While it can strengthen an argument, it does not directly appeal to the reader's reason.

Considering these definitions, it becomes evident that option B, logical appeal, is the technique that directly appeals to the readers' reason through rational arguments and logical reasoning.

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