Why are the economies of some Southeast Asian nations growing so quickly?

A. They all practice a traditional economy.

B. They use a command economy with central governmental control.>>>

C. They have a mixed economy dominated by markets.

D. They have a free-market economy that benefits everyone.

its c 100%

I disagree.

oof oh........C

The correct answer is C. They have a mixed economy dominated by markets.

Explanation: Southeast Asian nations such as Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand have experienced rapid economic growth due to their implementation of mixed economies dominated by markets. A mixed economy combines elements of both a free-market economy and governmental intervention. These countries have introduced market-oriented reforms, opened up to foreign investment, and embraced global trade, which has helped attract foreign capital and boost growth. Additionally, they have invested in infrastructure development, education, and technology, which has increased productivity and competitiveness. While there is some level of government intervention in their economies, the market still plays a significant role in driving economic growth.