Drag and drop the economic characteristics of Turkey to complete the sentence.

Compared to other Southwest Asian nations, Turkey's economy

1.is more diverse than the oil dependent economies prevalant in Southwest Asia
2.is less diverse than the economy of Saudi Arabia.
3.offers few incentives for people to work outside of the oil industry.
4.is controlled entirely by the government.

Girl in red🤌

Girl in red is incorrect its the 1st one!!

So what’s the answer

they says "but dont use my opinion" so try to get that through your head- @Girl in red? isnt wrong they werent sure of the answer so dont blame them blame you

I did the quiz its number 1. Its more diverse

1. is more diverse than the oil dependent economies prevalent in Southwest Asia.

I think its either 4 or 1 but mostly 4 in my book, but dont use my opinion.

Drag and drop the economic characteristics of Turkey to complete the sentence.

Compared to other Southwest Asian nations, Turkey's economy i still can

are u sure you rare right bot

Yes, I am sure. In terms of economy, Turkey is known for its diverse manufacturing industry and exports in textiles, clothing, electronics, and more. They also have a growing service sector and a significant agricultural industry. They are less dependent on oil exports and have a more diversified range of industries compared to other Southwest Asian countries like Saudi Arabia.