1. The followers of which religion were not allowed to settle in Georgia until after the American Revolution? (1 point)


2. Which of the following was discussed as a reason that education was limited in royal Georgia? (1 point)
A.The school buildings were old.
B.There were not enough books.
C.Teachers’ pay was low, and farming was more profitable.
D.Parents would not send their children to school.

3. Why did social activities increase in royal Georgia? (1 point)
A.Farms were worked only by slaves.
B.Georgians had more leisure time.
C.Most Georgians lived in cities.
D.Most Georgians were professionals.

4. Which of the following is true about the backcountry. Select all that apply. (2 points)
A.The backcountry had professionals and artisans.
B.The gateway to the backcountry was Augusta.
C.Backcountry settlers only had themselves to rely on for survival.
D.Some of the men in the backcountry belonged to social clubs.

Please post your answers.

1. To determine which religion's followers were not allowed to settle in Georgia until after the American Revolution, you can analyze the historical context of Georgia during that time period. The American Revolution took place from 1775 to 1783, so any religious restrictions prior to that time would have been lifted afterwards.

To find the answer, you could research the religious policies and history of Georgia from its founding up until the American Revolution. Look for any information regarding the restrictions or preferences of certain religious groups. Analyze primary and secondary sources, such as historical documents, books, or scholarly articles, that discuss the religious climate in Georgia during this period. By examining the religious landscape of Georgia and any legal restrictions, you can determine which religion's followers were not allowed to settle in Georgia until after the American Revolution.

2. To determine the reason for limited education in royal Georgia, you need to consider the factors discussed during that time period.

First, analyze each option provided. Consider the availability and condition of school buildings, the availability of books, the pay for teachers, and the attitudes of parents towards education. Additionally, think about the priorities and economic conditions of the time.

To find the answer, you can examine historical records and documents that discuss education in royal Georgia. Look for information about school conditions, teacher salaries, access to books, and parental attitudes towards education. Additionally, consider the economic factors that may have influenced the limited educational opportunities. By analyzing these sources and historical context, you can identify the reason for limited education in royal Georgia.

3. To understand why social activities increased in royal Georgia, you need to consider the factors that may have influenced this change.

Analyze each option provided and consider its plausibility. Think about the impact of slave labor on farming and leisure time, the population distribution between cities and rural areas, and the prevalence of professional occupations.

To find the answer, you can examine historical records and documents that discuss social activities in royal Georgia. Look for information about the influence of slave labor on farming practices, the lifestyles and leisure time of Georgians, the distribution of the population between cities and rural areas, and the prevalence of professional occupations. By analyzing these sources and relevant historical context, you can determine why social activities increased in royal Georgia.

4. To determine which statements are true about the backcountry, you need to analyze each option and assess its accuracy based on historical knowledge of the backcountry in Georgia.

Examine each option independently. Consider the presence of professionals and artisans, the geographical gateway to the backcountry, the self-reliance of backcountry settlers, and the existence of social clubs.

To find the answer, you can research the history and characteristics of the backcountry in Georgia. Look for information about the occupations and demographics of backcountry settlers, the geographical access points to the backcountry, their self-reliance, and the social activities or organizations present in that region. By analyzing these sources and considering the historical context, you can determine which statements are true about the backcountry in Georgia.