The followers of which religion were not allowed to settle in Georgia until after the American Revolution?

The followers of the Roman Catholic religion were not allowed to settle in Georgia until after the American Revolution.

The followers of the Catholic religion were not allowed to settle in Georgia until after the American Revolution.

The followers of which religion were not allowed to settle in Georgia until after the American Revolution?

To find the answer to this question, we need to understand the historical context of the American Revolution and the religious landscape of Georgia at that time.

During the colonial period, the British government granted charters to establish the colony of Georgia as a place for debtors and "worthy poor" to start anew. The British Trustees who governed the colony had certain restrictions on the settlers' religious practices.

Georgia was initially founded as a haven of religious freedom, but with exceptions. The Trustees intended Georgia to be a Protestant colony and initially did not permit the establishment of Roman Catholicism or non-Protestant Christian denominations.

However, after the American Revolution, Georgia and other American colonies gained independence from Britain. This led to the adoption of new laws and constitutional principles that protected religious freedom for all American citizens.

Therefore, the followers of the Roman Catholic religion were not allowed to settle in Georgia until after the American Revolution when restrictions on religious freedom were lifted.