1. The followers of which religion were not allowed to settle in Georgia until after the American Revolution?

A. Anglican
B. Jewish
C. Catholics***
D. Baptist

2. Which of the following was discussed as a reason that education was limited in royal Georgia?
A. The school buildings were old
B. There were not enough books
C. Teachers' pay was low, and farming was more profitable***
D. Parents would not send their children to school

3. Why did social activities increase in royal Georgia?
A. Farms were worked only by slaves
B. Georgians had more leisure time***
C. Most Georgians lived in the cities
D. Most Georgians were professionals

4. Which of the following is true about the back country? Select all that apply.
A. The backcountry had professionals and artisans
B. The gateway to the backcountry was Augusta
C. Backcountry settlers only had themselves to rely on for survival***
D. Some of the men in the backcountry belonged to social clubs***

Can someone check my answers please?


Sure! Let's go through each question and check your answers.

1. The correct answer is B. Jewish. The followers of Jewish religion were not allowed to settle in Georgia until after the American Revolution.

2. The correct answer is C. Teachers' pay was low, and farming was more profitable. Limited education in royal Georgia was due to the fact that teachers' pay was low, and farming was a more profitable occupation for many parents.

3. The correct answer is B. Georgians had more leisure time. Social activities increased in royal Georgia because Georgians had more leisure time available to them.

4. The correct answers are C. Backcountry settlers only had themselves to rely on for survival and D. Some of the men in the backcountry belonged to social clubs. The backcountry settlers had to rely on themselves for survival, and some men in the backcountry belonged to social clubs.

Based on your answers, all of them are correct except for question 1. The correct answer for question 1 is B. Jewish.

Great job on the other questions!