Why do people sometimes chase after or admire people who do not pay them any attention?

Why not? I admire a lot of people who don't pay me any attention -- Barack Obama, the Pope, Gretchen Whitmet, etc.

People may chase after or admire someone who does not pay them any attention due to various reasons, such as:

1. Idealization: Sometimes, people tend to put others on a pedestal and idealize them, projecting their own desires and hopes onto that person. They may believe that if they can capture the attention or affection of the person they admire, it will validate their own worth or fulfill their aspirations.

2. Scarcity mindset: When someone feels that the person they are pursuing is unattainable or unconcerned, it can create a sense of challenge or mystery. This can make them believe that the person is more valuable or desirable because they are difficult to obtain or understand.

3. Validation and self-esteem: Some individuals seek validation from others as a means to boost their self-esteem. If someone they admire fails to acknowledge them, they may become even more determined to win their attention, seeing it as a validation of their own worthiness or desirability.

4. Unresolved emotions or past experiences: Chasing after someone who does not reciprocate their feelings may be rooted in unresolved emotions or experiences from the past. They may be unconsciously seeking closure or validation by trying to win over someone who resembles a past unrequited love or unattainable figure.

5. Fear of rejection: Paradoxically, some individuals may be attracted to people who do not pay them any attention because it feels safer. By pursuing someone who cannot reject them outright, they can avoid the fear of potential rejection or the vulnerability that comes with opening up to someone who genuinely reciprocates their feelings.

It's important to note that while these explanations provide some insights into why people may chase after or admire someone who does not pay them any attention, every individual and their motivations can vary greatly.