How has the invention of the internet MOST affected personal health and fitness? (1 point) Responses People have access to thousands of workouts. People have access to thousands of workouts. People no longer pay for fitness classes. People no longer pay for fitness classes. People are required to take physical education classes. People are required to take physical education classes. People can monitor their glucose levels.

People can monitor their glucose levels.

The invention of the internet has most affected personal health and fitness in the following ways:

1. People have access to thousands of workouts: The internet provides a vast amount of resources and platforms where individuals can access a wide range of workout routines and exercises. This allows people to choose from various fitness programs and find a workout that suits their needs and goals.

2. People no longer pay for fitness classes: With the internet, individuals can now find numerous free or low-cost fitness classes and tutorials online. This means that people no longer need to spend a lot of money on gym memberships or fitness classes to stay active and fit.

3. People can monitor their glucose levels: There are now various apps, devices, and websites available which allow individuals to track and monitor their glucose levels. This is especially beneficial for people with diabetes or other health conditions that require monitoring blood sugar levels.

It is important to note that the impact of the internet on personal health and fitness can vary for different individuals, and there may be other aspects of health and fitness that have been affected as well.

The invention of the internet has had a significant impact on personal health and fitness in various ways. One aspect is that people now have access to thousands of workouts. With the internet, individuals can search for and find a wide range of exercise routines and fitness programs that suit their needs and preferences. This allows for greater flexibility and customization in one's fitness journey.

Additionally, the internet has made fitness more affordable as people no longer need to pay for fitness classes. Many fitness websites, YouTube channels, and mobile apps offer free workout videos and tutorials. This provides individuals with the opportunity to exercise at home or on their own terms without the financial burden of attending paid fitness classes.

On the other hand, it is not accurate to state that people are now required to take physical education classes because of the internet. The requirement for physical education classes generally varies depending on educational institutions, countries, and individual circumstances. The internet may provide resources for physical education, but it does not impose any mandatory obligations.

Lastly, the internet has enabled individuals to monitor their glucose levels and overall health more conveniently. Various health and fitness tracking devices and apps are available that can sync with smartphones or computers, allowing individuals to track their daily activities, monitor vital signs, and manage their overall health more effectively.

In summary, the internet has primarily affected personal health and fitness by providing access to a wide range of workouts, making fitness more affordable, and offering tools for monitoring health and fitness levels.