hey guys I really need help like kinda ASAP so if you can help me plz do but

how do I tranlsatle this into an algebraic expression
23 more than b

like if some can explain it or even another problem that would be really helpful thxs


There's LOTS of algebra help here: https://www.mathsisfun.com/algebra/index.html

Certainly! I can help you with translating "23 more than b" into an algebraic expression.

To translate this phrase into an algebraic expression, we need to understand the following key points:

1. "More than" implies addition.
2. "b" represents a variable or unknown value.

With these points in mind, we can create the expression:

b + 23

Here's why:

The expression starts with "b," representing the variable. Then, we add (represented by "+") 23 to it. This accounts for the "more than" part.

Let's consider an example:

If b is equal to 10, then "23 more than b" can be translated as:

10 + 23 = 33

So, when b is 10, 23 more than b is 33.

I hope this explanation helps! If you have any further questions or need assistance with any other problem, don't hesitate to ask.