Hey guys, I know this might be a dumb question, but I am having a little trouble finding the answer. Thanks!

1. What should be true of a goal?
a) It should be vague and nonspecific.
b) It should be challenging to you.
c) It should be unrealistic.
d) It should be in others' control

I think I am going to go with B, since the other three do not make since from the information I learned. But could someone check it before I submit this? Thanks!

my attempt to explain nanny-state removal of possibly offensive words was flagged as offensive. Pois é.

Anyways, I need help with this asap!

Great job trying to find the answer yourself! You've made a good deduction based on the information you learned. To confirm your answer, let's break down the options and analyze them one by one:

a) It should be vague and nonspecific.
This option contradicts the principle of goal-setting. Goals should be clear and specific, so that they can guide your actions and give you a sense of direction. Therefore, this option is not correct.

b) It should be challenging to you.
This option aligns with the widely accepted SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound) goal-setting framework. Setting challenging goals can motivate you to stretch beyond your current abilities and achieve personal growth. So, this is the correct answer.

c) It should be unrealistic.
Unrealistic goals can demotivate and frustrate you because they are not achievable. Therefore, this option is not correct.

d) It should be in others' control.
Goals should ideally be within your own control, as it gives you the power to take action and make progress towards achieving them. Relying on others to achieve your goals can make you dependent and may lead to disappointment. Therefore, this option is not correct.

Based on this analysis, your answer of option B - "It should be challenging to you" - is correct! Well done on your reasoning.

Oof, sorry ment to say 'Hey guys, I know this might be a dumb question, but I am having a little trouble finding the answer.'

oof, it keeps editing it out