The climax of “Rikki-tiki-tavi” occurs when

To identify the climax of "Rikki-tikki-tavi," a short story by Rudyard Kipling, you need to look for the point of highest tension or the turning point in the story. Here's how you can find the climax:

1. Read the story: Start by reading or reviewing the entire story of "Rikki-tikki-tavi" to understand the overall plot.

2. Identify major events: Pay attention to the major events or conflicts that occur throughout the story. These events build up the tension and lead to the climax.

3. Look for the turning point: The climax is usually the moment of greatest suspense, where the main conflict reaches its peak or is resolved. It is typically towards the end of the story.

4. Analyze the story structure: Consider the rising action, where tension and conflict build up, and the falling action or resolution that follows the climax.

By following these steps and examining the story itself, you will be able to determine the exact moment when the climax occurs.