The climax of "Rikki-tikki-tavi" occurs when

Rikki-tikki saves Teddy from Karait's attack.
Rikki-tikki fights with Nag.*
Rikki-tikki fights with Nagaina.
Rikki-tikki makes sure another cobra never enters the garden.

Which of the following events occurs during the resolution of "Rikki-tikki-tavi"?
Darzee's wife fools Nagaina.
Rikki-tikki cracks all of Nagaina's eggs except one.*
The birds and the frogs announce Rikki-tikki's victory.
Rikki-tikki makes sure that a cobra never again enters the garden.

In which sentence about "Rikki-tikki-tavi" is revived used correctly?
The garden Rikki-tikki entered revived lime and orange trees.
Teddy's father revived Nag by shooting him with his rifle.
Teddy's family was revived to know that Nagaina was dead.
After Rikki-tikki was revived, he thought how lucky he was to be alive.*

Using context clues in the following sentences, choose the correct meaning of the word
It was nearly impossible to catch Morgan in her lie. She answered every question cunningly.

I don't know about 1 and 2, but 3 and 4 are correct.

1 is referring the action that brings all the emotions to a peak (solves the basic problem set out in the beginning of the story).

2 is referring to actions between the climax and the end of the story.

The climax of "Rikki-tikki-tavi" occurs when Rikki-tikki fights with Nag.

During the resolution of "Rikki-tikki-tavi," Rikki-tikki cracks all of Nagaina's eggs except one.

In the sentence about "Rikki-tikki-tavi," the word "revived" is used correctly: After Rikki-tikki was revived, he thought how lucky he was to be alive.

Using context clues, the correct meaning of the word "cunningly" in the sentence is cleverly.

To answer the first question about the climax of "Rikki-tikki-tavi," the correct event is "Rikki-tikki fights with Nag." This can be determined by referring to the climax of the story where Rikki-tikki engages in a fierce battle with the antagonist, Nag.

For the second question about the resolution of the story, the correct event is "Rikki-tikki cracks all of Nagaina's eggs except one." This can be determined by understanding that in the resolution, Rikki-tikki successfully eliminates the threat of future generations of cobras by destroying all the eggs except for one.

In regards to the sentence using the word "revived" correctly, the correct sentence is "After Rikki-tikki was revived, he thought how lucky he was to be alive." This sentence correctly uses "revived" to describe the situation in which Rikki-tikki is brought back to life or consciousness.

Lastly, to determine the meaning of the word "cunningly" using context clues, we can understand that Morgan is answering questions in a way that is not easily caught or challenged, showing cleverness or craftiness. Therefore, the correct meaning of "cunningly" in this context is "cleverly."