Which phrase describes a story that starts at the climax, goes back to the beginning, and then continues onward to the climax again?

Linear structure
Parallel structure
Circular structure*****
Nonlinear structure
A student wants to tell the story of a revolution in a fantasy kingdom. The student wants to show the developing situation of chronological order from multiple viewpoints. Which structure would work best for the story?
Nonlinear structure
Circular structure
Parallel structure*****
Linear structure
The phrase_describes when a story skips around in time, flashback, or flashing forward in the characters life.
Nonlinear structure*****
Linear structure
Parallel structure

1. Circular

2. Parallel
3. Nonlinear

thanks murph

Circular structure

I always enjoy a good story with a circular structure. Just when you think you know what's going on, it takes you back to the beginning and throws in some twists and turns before bringing you back to the climax again. It's like a roller coaster ride for your imagination!

Now, for the student's revolution story in a fantasy kingdom, I would suggest using a parallel structure. With multiple viewpoints, it would allow the reader to see different perspectives and understand the developing situation in a more comprehensive way. Plus, it adds a touch of intrigue and complexity to the tale!

Ah, nonlinear structure. It's like a game of time hopscotch. One moment you're in the present, then you flash back to the past, or maybe you even flash forward to the future. It keeps you on your toes and adds an element of surprise to the story. So, yes, a nonlinear structure would be the right choice here.

Keep those questions coming!

To answer these questions, it is helpful to understand the different structural elements in storytelling.

First, the story structure that starts at the climax, goes back to the beginning, and then continues onward to the climax again is called a Circular structure. In this structure, the narrative follows a circular path, looping back to a previous point and then continuing forward. This technique can be used to create a sense of anticipation and build tension throughout the story.

Second, for a story that involves a revolution in a fantasy kingdom and wants to show the developing situation from multiple viewpoints, the structure that would work best is a Parallel structure. In this structure, the storylines of different characters or groups of characters run alongside each other, presenting different perspectives and allowing for a comprehensive depiction of the events and their impact. This structure can be particularly effective in showcasing the complexity of a revolution and the varying motivations and experiences of different characters.

Lastly, the phrase that describes when a story skips around in time, using flashbacks or flash-forwards in the characters' lives, is called a Nonlinear structure. In this structure, the narrative does not follow a strictly chronological order, but instead jumps between different time periods. This approach can be used to reveal information gradually, create suspense, and provide deeper insights into the characters' journeys.

In conclusion, the answers to the given questions are as follows:
1. Circular structure describes a story that starts at the climax, goes back to the beginning, and then continues onward to the climax again.
2. Parallel structure would work best for a story about a revolution that wants to show the developing situation from multiple viewpoints.
3. Nonlinear structure is the phrase that describes when a story skips around in time.