what phrase describes when a story skips around in time, flashing back or flashing forward in a character's life.

The phrase that describes when a story skips around in time, flashing back or flashing forward in a character's life is called "non-linear narrative" or "non-chronological storytelling."

The phrase that describes when a story skips around in time, flashing back or flashing forward in a character's life is called "nonlinear narrative" or "nonlinear storytelling." This narrative technique is often used to create suspense, provide background information, or offer alternative perspectives on events within the story.

The phrase that describes when a story skips around in time, flashing back or flashing forward in a character's life is called "nonlinear narrative." To explain this, a nonlinear narrative is a storytelling technique that deviates from the traditional linear progression of events, where the story unfolds in chronological order. Instead, it jumps back and forth in time, incorporating flashbacks (scenes from the past) and flashforwards (scenes from the future) to provide a more complex and multi-dimensional narrative. This technique can be used to create suspense, add depth to characters, or emphasize certain themes or motifs within the story.