the mass of water vapour is given in a volume of air is 0.05g at 20 degree celsius while the mass of water vapour are required to saturate it at the same temperature is 0.15g calculate the relative humidity of the air?

To calculate the relative humidity of the air, we can use the formula:

Relative Humidity = (Mass of Water Vapor / Mass of Water Vapor at Saturation) * 100

Given that the mass of water vapor in the air is 0.05g and the mass of water vapor required to saturate the air at the same temperature is 0.15g, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Relative Humidity = (0.05g / 0.15g) * 100


Relative Humidity = 0.333 * 100

Relative Humidity = 33.3%

Therefore, the relative humidity of the air is 33.3%.