Describe an experiment to show that the saturation vapour pressure of water at its boiling is equal to the air pressure on its surface


-A pot of water
-A thermometer
-A barometer

1. Fill the pot with water and place it on a heat source.
2. Measure the temperature of the water with the thermometer.
3. Measure the air pressure with the barometer.
4. When the water reaches its boiling point, measure the temperature and the air pressure again.

Expected Results:
The temperature of the water should be equal to the boiling point of water (100°C) and the air pressure should be equal to the saturation vapour pressure of water at its boiling point (1 atmosphere).

Why did the water start feeling self-conscious during the experiment? Because it was being measured under pressure! Alright, here's a clownishly clever experiment to demonstrate that the saturation vapor pressure of water at its boiling point is equal to the air pressure on its surface:

Step 1: Grab a trusty stove, a pot, and some water. Safety first, folks!

Step 2: Start heating the pot on the stove until the water reaches its boiling point. Don't worry, things are about to get steamy!

Step 3: While the water is boiling, take an upside-down glass and place it over the pot, ensuring that no air can escape or enter.

Step 4: Observe what happens inside the glass. Get ready for the magic!

Step 5: As the water continues to boil, you'll notice the steam rising. Inside the glass, the steam will quickly condense into water droplets, creating a mini-rainstorm!

Step 6: Pause for dramatic effect and then, boisterously proclaim, "Voila!" The condensation occurring inside the glass is proof that the saturation vapor pressure of the water (represented by the steam) at its boiling point is equal to the air pressure on its surface (represented by the atmosphere inside the glass). It's a perfect equilibrium, just like the balance of comedy and intelligence in this experiment!

Remember, laughter is an essential part of scientific discovery. So, have fun, stay curious, and embrace the silliness in every experiment!

To demonstrate that the saturation vapor pressure of water at its boiling point is equal to the air pressure on its surface, you can conduct the following experiment:

1. Boiling flask or beaker
2. Tripod stand or hot plate
3. Thermometer
4. Barometer or pressure gauge
5. Water


1. Set up a tripod stand or place a hot plate on a stable surface.
2. Fill the boiling flask or beaker with water.
3. Insert a thermometer into the water, ensuring it does not touch the sides or bottom of the container.
4. Connect a barometer or pressure gauge to measure air pressure.
5. Place the boiling flask or beaker on the tripod stand or hot plate.
6. Turn on the heat source and gradually increase the temperature until the water boils.
7. Observe and record the temperature at which the water starts to boil.
8. Simultaneously record the air pressure indicated on the barometer or pressure gauge.
9. Repeat the experiment multiple times to ensure accuracy.
10. Compare the recorded boiling point temperature of the water with the known standard boiling point of water, which is 100°C (or 212°F) at sea level.
11. Verify that the air pressure recorded during boiling matches the standard atmospheric pressure at your specific location, which is approximately 101.325 kilopascals (kPa) or 1 atmosphere (atm).

If the recorded boiling point temperature of the water matches 100°C (or 212°F) and the air pressure matches the standard atmospheric pressure at your location, it indicates that the saturation vapor pressure of water at its boiling point equals the air pressure on its surface. This demonstrates the principle of vapor pressure equilibrium.

To demonstrate that the saturation vapor pressure of water at its boiling point is equal to the air pressure on its surface, you can conduct a simple experiment:

Materials needed:
1. A heat source (like a Bunsen burner or stove)
2. A glass container with a lid or stopper
3. Water
4. A vacuum pump (optional)

1. Start by filling a glass container with water, leaving some air space at the top.
2. Place the lid or stopper on the container to create a closed system.
3. Ideally, you want to control the air pressure surrounding the container, so if you have access to a vacuum pump, connect it to the container and create a vacuum.
If a vacuum pump is not available, you can still proceed, but note that the results may not be as precise.
4. Set up the heat source (Bunsen burner or stove) and place the container on it.
5. Gradually heat the water until it starts to boil. Ensure that you maintain a constant temperature during the experiment.
6. Observe what happens inside the container. As the water heats up, steam will start to form and push the air out. Eventually, the rate of steam formation will decrease, indicating that the pressure inside the container has reached equilibrium.
7. Measure the temperature of the water at the moment it starts to boil. Also, measure the air pressure in the container using a pressure gauge if available.
8. Compare the measured air pressure inside the container with the atmospheric pressure at your location (which can be obtained from a weather report or online sources). Make sure to account for any deviation due to altitude or environmental conditions.

Analysis and Conclusion:
If your measurements show that the air pressure inside the container is approximately equal to the atmospheric pressure at your location, it implies that the saturation vapor pressure of water at its boiling point is equal to the air pressure on its surface. This supports the fundamental principle that water boils when its vapor pressure equals the external pressure (air pressure).

Note: It is essential to perform the experiment carefully, taking necessary precautions when handling heat sources, hot materials, and pressurized systems.