Joseph is 3/5 times as old as John. What is the ratio of John's age to Joseph's age? What are the steps in answering this question?

Is it 5:8

Joseph:John = 3:5

John:Joseph = 5:3
John:(sum of ages) = 5:8

just reverse (flip) the fraction

To oobleck, isnt joseph older?

So it means that joseph needs to have the bigger number? So 5:8?

To find the ratio of John's age to Joseph's age, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Assign variables.
Let's assign variables to John's age and Joseph's age.
John's age = J
Joseph's age = J * (3/5) or 3J/5

Step 2: Write the ratio.
To write the ratio, we divide John's age by Joseph's age.
Ratio = J / (3J/5)

Step 3: Simplify the ratio.
To simplify the ratio, we can multiply both numerator and denominator by 5 to get rid of the fraction.
Ratio = (5J) / (3J)

Step 4: Divide out the common factor.
In this case, the common factor is J, which can be divided out.
Ratio = 5/3

Therefore, the ratio of John's age to Joseph's age is 5:3.