"counter or productive''How far do you agree with this view of the thermidorians contribution to the french revolution.

I think you mean “counterproductive,” right? If you’re not clear on the meaning of that, look it up here: https://www.dictionary.com

In any case, only you can answer this. Do you understand why?


To determine how far you agree with the view of the Thermidorians' contribution to the French Revolution as "counterproductive," it is essential to explore the historical context and evaluate their actions and impact. Here's how you can approach this:

1. Understand the Thermidorians' role: The Thermidorian Reaction refers to the period that followed Maximilien Robespierre's fall from power during the French Revolution. The Thermidorians opposed Robespierre and aimed to establish a more moderate and stable government.

2. Research the Thermidorian policies: Study the actions and policies implemented by the Thermidorians, such as the dismantling of the revolutionary government, the end of the Reign of Terror, and the development of a new constitution known as the Constitution of Year III.

3. Assess the outcomes: Analyze the consequences of the Thermidorians' policies. Did their actions contribute to stability and progress, or did they hinder the revolutionary goals?

4. Consider different viewpoints: Look for historical accounts, scholarly articles, and interpretations from various sources to gain a comprehensive understanding of the Thermidorians' contribution to the French Revolution. This will help you examine both sides of the argument and form an informed opinion.

5. Formulate your opinion: Based on the evidence and analysis, determine how far you agree with the view that the Thermidorians' contribution was "counterproductive." You can include examples, evidence, and logical reasoning to support your stance.

Remember, when evaluating historical events or figures, it is crucial to consider multiple perspectives and rely on reliable sources to reach a well-informed conclusion.