In the story A Contribution to Statistics

Which of the following words best describe the author's view of humanity?
A. Altruistic
B. Optimistic
C. Pessimistic
D. realistic

C. Pessimistic


I apologize for the incorrect response. Upon further analysis, the best description of the author's view of humanity in the story "A Contribution to Statistics" would be:

D. Realistic

The author portrays human behavior in a realistic manner, highlighting both positive and negative aspects of humanity. There may be instances of altruism and optimism, as well as moments of selfishness and pessimism, but overall, the author presents a balanced and realistic perspective on human nature.

To determine the author's view of humanity in the story "A Contribution to Statistics," we need to analyze the text and the author's tone. Here's how you can do it:

1. Start by reading the story attentively. Look for any specific descriptions, actions, or dialogue that might reveal the author's perspective on humanity.

2. Pay attention to the overall tone of the story. Is it positive, negative, or neutral? The author's tone can provide insights into their viewpoint.

3. Look for recurring themes or motifs in the story that relate to humanity. Consider how these themes are portrayed and what message they convey.

4. Examine the characters' actions, attitudes, and interactions. Do they demonstrate qualities that align with any of the given options?

Once you have gathered sufficient evidence from the text, you can make an informed judgment on the author's view of humanity. Keep in mind that different readers may interpret the story in various ways, so there may be room for diverse interpretations.

To specifically address the question, "which of the following words best describe the author's view of humanity," let's analyze the given options:

A. Altruistic: If the author portrays humanity as selfless, compassionate, and concerned for the well-being of others, this word could be a suitable choice.

B. Optimistic: If the author presents humanity in a positive light, believing in its potential for progress, this word could be appropriate.

C. Pessimistic: If the author's portrayal of humanity leans towards negativity, emphasizing flaws, shortcomings, or a bleak outlook, this word might be the right choice.

D. Realistic: If the author provides a balanced and objective portrayal of humanity, acknowledging both positive and negative aspects, this option might be suitable.

By following these steps and carefully analyzing the text, you will be able to arrive at the best answer based on your understanding of the story and the author's perspective.