Create an image depicting two significant periods in Roman history: the rise and end of Pax Romana. On one side of the image, show the early Roman Empire, around 30 BCE, with bustling streets, grand buildings, and Roman citizens going about their daily life. On the other side of the image, portray the end of this era, around 180 CE, with a solemn scene showing the death of a significant leader. Make sure that all figures depicted in the image are generic, without resemblance to any specific historical figures.

the Pax Romana began around 30 BCE with the rise of Julius Ceaser/Octavian/Trajan/Hadrian as leader of Rome and ended around 180 CE with the death of Emperor Hadrian/Trajan/Diocletian/Marcus Aurelius

I think its Julius ceasar and marcus aureleus

Julius Caesar and Marcus Aurelius are correct.

just to clarify for anyone wondering *Julius Caesar* and *Marcus Aurelius* are correct.

@April wright No, you won't, because you aren't a real teacher and we most likely dont have our real names on here. Anyway, we are children, you cannot send us to jail.

You're welcome.

Mine is not a "multiple choice" question...HELP! (I'm from Connexus.)

huhhh????????????????????/^tf u saying

Bro, she said that but differently in another jiska question =-=

The Roman and Byzantine Empires Unit Test

what is answer to the questions

hi @mattthepyro, the question from the new test is the same question, just the 2nd part is cut off so the answer is julius caesar

Mrs. Jeanie recorded the number of questions skipped by her students on a science quiz in the dot plot below.

Which measure of center would be best to use to describe this distribution?
help me bot

Based on the given dot plot, the best measure of center to use to describe the distribution would be the median. The median finds the middle value in a set of data and is not influenced by extreme values, making it a good measure to use with skewed data.

If Catherine traveled 2,800 miles in 7 hours on her plane flight to her vacation destination, at what rate was the plane traveling?

390 mph
405 mph
410 mph
400 mph

To find the rate at which the plane was traveling, you can divide the distance traveled by the time taken.

Rate = Distance / Time
Rate = 2,800 miles / 7 hours
Rate = 400 mph
Therefore, the plane was traveling at a rate of 400 mph (option D).

Simplify the following expression.

71 - 2 × (6 - 4)4

We need to simplify the expression using the order of operations (PEMDAS), which stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), and Addition and Subtraction (from left to right).

71 - 2 × (6 - 4)^4

= 71 - 2 × 2^4 [Perform the operation inside the parentheses first, Exponents next, then Multiplication]

= 71 - 2 × 16 [2^4 = 16]

= 71 - 32 [Perform the multiplication]

= 39 [Subtract 32 from 71]

Therefore, the simplified expression is 39, which is option D.

Carol's last credit card statement said that she had an account balance of -$120. Which of the following account balances represents a debt greater than Carol's?


Carol's account balance is -$120, which means she owes $120. We need to select an account balance that represents a debt greater than Carol's, which means an account balance that is more negative than -$120.

Out of the given options, the account balance that represents a greater debt is -$141, option D, because it is more negative than -$120, indicating that the person owes more money.

Solve for x.

x + 53 = 140

x + 53 = 140

We need to isolate x on one side of the equation.

Subtracting 53 from both sides of the equation, we get:

x + 53 - 53 = 140 - 53

x = 87

Therefore, the value of x is 87 (option A).

Twelve students tried out for the cheerleading squad. Three students were selected. What is the ratio of students selected to those trying out?


The ratio of students selected to those trying out is 3:12.

This can be simplified by dividing both terms of the ratio by their greatest common factor, which is 3, to get:

3:12 = 1:4

Therefore, the ratio of students selected to those trying out is 1:4, which is option B.

In the figure below, m = 8 in, n = 7 in, and p = 12 in.

What is the area of the parallelogram?

Note: Figure is not drawn to scale.
32 sq in
96 sq in
84 sq in
56 sq in

The area of a parallelogram can be calculated by multiplying the base by the height. In this case, we are not given the height, but we can find it using the formula for the area of a parallelogram.

The height of the parallelogram is the distance between the base and the opposite side. Since the sides of a parallelogram are parallel, we can use the fact that opposite sides are congruent to find the height.

The height of the parallelogram is the perpendicular distance from side n to side p. To find the height, we can use the Pythagorean theorem:

height = sqrt(p^2 - n^2) = sqrt(144 - 49) = sqrt(95) ≈ 9.746 in

Now we can find the area of the parallelogram:

Area = base × height = m × height = 8 × 9.746 ≈ 77.97 sq in

Rounding to the nearest whole number, the area of the parallelogram is 78 sq in, which is not one of the answer choices. However, the closest option is 84 sq in, which is option C.


Note: Figure is not drawn to scale.

What is the volume of the rectangular prism above?




The figure is not given, so it is not possible to calculate the volume of the rectangular prism. Please provide the figure or any other information given in the question so that I can assist you better.

The Pax Romana began around 30 BCE with the rise of

as leader of Rome and ended around 180 CE with the death of Emperor

The Pax Romana began around 30 BCE with the rise of Julius Caesar/Octavian and ended around 180 CE with the death of Emperor Marcus Aurelius/Diocletian.

Note: Octavian was Julius Caesar's successor and later became known as Augustus Caesar.

What was a drawback to living in the Roman Empire?

Living in the Roman Empire had many benefits, but there were also some drawbacks, including:

1. Slavery: The Roman Empire was built on the labor of slaves, who were often treated cruelly and had no rights.

2. Class inequality: Wealth and power were concentrated in the hands of a small elite, and the majority of people were poor and had no say in government.

3. Political instability: The Roman Empire saw many violent upheavals, including assassinations, coups, and civil wars.

4. Corruption: Bribery and corruption were common in the Roman Empire, and many government officials abused their power for personal gain.

5. Disease and sanitation: The Roman Empire did not have modern sanitation or medicine, and disease was a constant threat to public health.

6. Military conscription: Roman citizens were required to serve in the military, which could be dangerous and disruptive to families and communities.

7. Heavy taxes: The Roman Empire required high taxes from its citizens, which often led to unrest and rebellion.

Overall, while the Romans enjoyed many advantages of living in an advanced and powerful society, they also faced many challenges and difficulties.


Please provide me the question so that I can try to assist you.

Thank you for providing the answer to the question. If you need any further help, feel free to ask.

Thanks so much

@skylar famous in school is just a child, who is not famous and likes to threaten people with getting their parents fired by Donald Trump XD

hooray! thanks. :3

i- UM I THINK THE CORRECT ANSWER IS UM idk- people aren't choosing the right ones and IT'S STUPID D;

thanks! and yes I am so famous thank if yall like billie eillish!