The Pax Romana began around 30 BCE with the rise of who?

1 point
Julius Caesar
Marcus Aurelius

Octavian (also known as Augustus Caesar)

Order the events from first to last

Roman forces withdraw from britan
huns attack the empire
odoacer topples romulus augustus
imperial crisis leads to civil war

imperial crisis leads to civil war -> huns attack the empire -> Roman forces withdraw from Britain -> Odoacer topples Romulus Augustus

One Byzantine emperor wanted to simplify the laws so he appointed committees to go through the Roman laws and decisions. They produced a unified system of laws known as ___________________.

1 point

The Justinian Code.

6. For Rome, which was the most serious consequence of the invasion of the Huns?

1 point
The Huns conquered and overthrew the western empire.
The Huns attacked the Germanic tribes, who became refugees.
The Huns devastated large parts of the empire.
The Huns's invasions led to inflation that wrecked the Roman economy.

The Huns devastated large parts of the empire.