The Pax Romana began around 30 BCE with the rise of,

as leader of Rome and ended around 180 CE with the death of Emperor

The correct answer is B. Octavian.

1. Imperial Crisis leads to civil war

2. Roman forces withdraw from Britain
3. Huns attack the empire
4. Odoacer topples Romulus Augustus

The correct answer is B. Justinian's Code.

The correct answer is "The Huns devastated large parts of the empire."

The correct answer is "arrival of invaders."

Emperor as head of the church - Eastern Orthodox Church

Pope as head of the church - Roman Catholic Church

Holy Bible - Both

The correct answer is B. Byzantine rejection of the pope.

The correct answer is "Romans to do jobs other than farming, relative to other ancient civilizations."

The drawback to living in the Roman Empire was "As many as 1 out of 3 people were enslaved."

The symbol of the cross represents "the death and resurrection of Jesus" in Christianity.