where are the major cities located

What help can we give you beyond a map showing the cities and roads?

Check out the maps.


no I need more help than that

To find the locations of major cities, you can use various resources, including maps, search engines, or geographical databases. Here's how you can approach finding the locations of major cities:

1. Use online search engines: Simply type "major cities" along with the name of a specific country or region into a search engine like Google. For example, search for "major cities in the United States" or "major cities in Europe." You will likely find lists or maps displaying the names and locations of the major cities.

2. Use maps: Online mapping services like Google Maps or Bing Maps allow you to explore and search for cities worldwide. Zoom in on a particular region or country and look for markers representing cities. Clicking on a marker will provide you with information about that specific city.

3. Use geographical databases: Websites like Geonames, which is a geographical database, provide extensive information about cities worldwide. You can search for cities based on different criteria, such as country, region, or population size. Such databases often give you detailed information about a city's location, population, and other relevant data.

Remember, the definition of "major cities" can vary depending on the context and criteria used. Some factors to consider when determining the significance of a city may include population, economic importance, cultural significance, or political influence.