During medieval times Europe's major cities would most likely be located near which of the following?

mountain ranges





D. rivers.

D. rivers.

During medieval times in Europe, major cities were most likely located near rivers.

To arrive at this conclusion, one can consider a few factors.

Firstly, rivers provided a reliable source of fresh water for drinking, cooking, and agriculture. They were essential for sustaining a population and supporting agricultural activities like irrigation.

Secondly, rivers served as natural transportation routes. Medieval cities relied heavily on trade, and rivers offered a convenient means of transportation for goods, allowing cities to thrive both economically and culturally.

Thirdly, rivers could provide a natural defense mechanism. The flow of water around a city could act as a barrier, offering some protection against potential invaders.

Lastly, the availability of fish in rivers provided an additional food source for the population.

Considering these factors, it becomes clear why major cities during medieval times in Europe were often located near rivers.