Why did the Aztecs settle in the Valley of Mexico?

(1 point)

They wanted to take over abandoned Mayan cities.

They wanted to take over abandoned Mayan cities.

The area was located near a major river system.

The area was located near a major river system.

The valley had a warmer climate than the Mayan lowlands.

The valley had a warmer climate than the Mayan lowlands.

Surrounding volcanoes created fertile soil in the valley.

Surrounding volcanoes created fertile soil in the valley.

What are chinampas?

(1 point)

artificial islands used for farming

artificial islands used for farming

crops grown by Aztec farmers

crops grown by Aztec farmers

birds sacred to the Aztec people

birds sacred to the Aztec people

walls built to hold back flood waters

artificial islands used for farming

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.(1 point)

Scientists have learned about the Ancestral Pueblo mostly by studying

archaeological remains and artifacts.

American Indians in the

built longhouses.

American Indians in the
celebrated with a potlatch.

American Indians in the Northeast Woodlands built longhouses.

American Indians in the Pacific Northwest celebrated with a potlatch.

The Aztecs build aqueducts in order to?

The Aztecs built aqueducts in order to obtain a reliable water supply for their cities and agricultural practices.

The Incas used quipus to ?