how is public policy created in russia today?


In Russia, public policy is created through a hierarchical and centralized system, with the most significant decisions being made by the President. Here are the key steps involved in the process:

1. Agenda Setting: The President, government ministries, and other stakeholders identify issues requiring policy attention. This can be influenced by public opinion, expert advice, international obligations, or other factors.

2. Policy Formulation: The government drafts policy proposals based on the identified issues. This is usually done by relevant ministries or agencies, in consultation with other stakeholders, experts, and public opinion, to gather input and assess potential impacts.

3. Decision-Making: Once policy proposals are formulated, they are discussed and debated within the government. The President plays a crucial role in this phase, making major decisions or setting strategic directions for the policy. The final policy decisions are often made in high-level meetings or by the President directly.

4. Legislative Process: Once the policy decisions are made, the relevant legislative bodies, such as the State Duma (lower house of the Federal Assembly) and the Federation Council (upper house), play a role in turning policy into law. They review and approve draft legislation related to the policy.

5. Implementation: After the legislation is passed, the responsible government agencies develop and implement the necessary regulations, guidelines, and administrative procedures to ensure policy implementation. This involves coordination among relevant ministries, agencies, and other actors involved.

6. Evaluation and Review: Periodic evaluations are conducted to assess the policy's effectiveness and whether it achieved its intended goals. These evaluations can involve various institutions such as the Audit Chamber or specialized research organizations. Based on the results, adjustments or modifications may be made to improve policy outcomes.

It is worth noting that in Russia's political system, the decision-making process can be top-down, with significant power concentrated in the hands of the President and the executive branch. Public participation and consultation in policy-making processes may not be as extensive as in some other countries.

Public policy creation in Russia today involves multiple steps and actors. Here is an explanation of the key processes and entities involved:

1. Legislative Initiatives: Public policy in Russia can be initiated either by the executive branch (government) or legislative branch (Federal Assembly). The government can propose new legislation, while members of the Federal Assembly can introduce bills and make amendments.

2. Government Decision-Making: The government, headed by the Prime Minister, plays a significant role in shaping public policy. It includes various ministries, agencies, and advisory bodies responsible for specific policy areas such as economics, education, or healthcare. These entities draft policy proposals, conduct research, and coordinate with stakeholders.

3. Policy Formulation: Once a policy proposal is initiated, it undergoes a process of formulation, which involves detailed analysis, research, and consultation with relevant experts, governmental bodies, and non-governmental organizations. The proposal is further refined, taking into account various perspectives and considerations.

4. Public Consultation: Public opinion is sought through public consultations in some cases, although the level of public participation can vary. Public input may be gathered through polls, public hearings, or expert committees. However, it's important to note that public consultation in Russia can be limited, and state authorities often have a significant influence on the final policy decisions.

5. Decision-Making: The final decision on a policy proposal rests with the government, specifically with the President, the Prime Minister, and the Cabinet of Ministers. The legislative branch also plays a role in the decision-making process. The proposed policy may undergo revisions, amendments, or rejection.

6. Implementation and Evaluation: After a policy is approved, relevant government bodies and agencies are responsible for its implementation. They develop guidelines, allocate resources, establish monitoring mechanisms, and enforce compliance. Periodic evaluation and assessment of policy effectiveness may be conducted to ensure accountability and make necessary adjustments.

It's important to note that public policy creation in Russia can be influenced by various factors such as political dynamics, public sentiment, economic considerations, and international relations. Additionally, the role of the President, who holds significant power, cannot be overlooked in the policy-making process.

The answer is complicated. The short answer is likely incomplete.