Identify one method used by individuals to influence public policy.(1 point)


voting for a national referendum to establish national public policy
voting for a national referendum to establish national public policy

voting for the representatives who best represent their needs
voting for the representatives who best represent their needs

making an advertisement for their public policy
making an advertisement for their public policy

funding research to inform government about a political action or policy
The correct answer


voting for the representatives who best represent their needs

The correct answer is "voting for the representatives who best represent their needs." This is one of the most common methods used by individuals to influence public policy. It involves actively participating in elections and voting for political candidates who align with their beliefs and will advocate for policies that reflect their needs and interests. By electing representatives who share their values and priorities, individuals are able to have a say in the decision-making process and shape public policy through their votes.

is funding research to inform government about a political action or policy.

The correct answer is: funding research to inform government about a political action or policy