In what order does a dynasty gain and lose power in the Mandate of Heaven?

Mandate of Heaven Lost by the Dynasty
Period of Violence Follows
A New Dynasty Rises
A New Dynasty Rules
The Dynasty Grows Weak

1- A new dynasty rises, A new dynasty rules, Dynasty grows weak, Mandate of Heaven lost by the dynasty.

2- D, himalayan mountains
3- B, farmers were highly respected ; merchants were little respected
4- A, depended upon those nobles and weakened
5- A & C, life was more peaceful, the silk road increased trade
6- A, to give ancestors income in the afterlife
7- A, introduction of coins
8- B, silk road
9- roads
10- A & C, more people could afford books and read , because new ideas could spread quickly
11- the natural way of the universe
12- logographic script , difficult
13- were too severe
14- C, cruelty of the emperor cause suffering although the Great Wall was an achievement in defense
15- officials enjoy a life of comfort, officials cannot live in home district, exams are required to qualify, positions are not hereditary
16- revival of confucian
17- A, confucianism

100% on Connexus :)

Work hard play hard is 100%

Holy crap i didnt think you were being honest. Thanks for the 100 percent :)

tysm @wOrK hArD pLaY hArD

In the system of the Mandate of Heaven, a dynasty gains and loses power in a cyclical manner. Here is the order in which this process occurs:

1. The Dynasty Grows Weak: The first step is when the ruling dynasty starts to show signs of weakness and decline. This can happen due to factors such as internal conflicts, corruption, economic troubles, or external pressures.

2. Mandate of Heaven Lost by the Dynasty: As the dynasty's power weakens, people begin to believe that the rulers have lost the Mandate of Heaven. The Mandate of Heaven was a concept in ancient Chinese philosophy that granted the ruling dynasty the right to govern. Losing the Mandate meant losing the divine approval to rule.

3. Period of Violence Follows: Once the Mandate of Heaven is perceived to be lost, a period of violence and unrest often ensues. Different factions and groups may compete for power, leading to rebellions, uprisings, or even civil wars.

4. A New Dynasty Rises: Out of the chaos, a new dynasty emerges as the dominant force. This can happen through the success of a rebellion, the victory of a military leader, or the establishment of a new ruling family.

5. A New Dynasty Rules: Once a new dynasty has gained power, it establishes itself as the ruling authority. The new rulers claim that they have obtained the Mandate of Heaven, as this legitimacy is crucial for maintaining stability and gaining support from the population.

And so, the cycle continues as the new dynasty begins its period of rule, eventually experiencing its own rise, decline, and replacement. This pattern has been repeated throughout Chinese history, with different dynasties coming to power and falling out of favor with the Mandate of Heaven.

@wOrK hArD pLaY hArD TYSMMMMMMM THEY ARE RIGHT I GOT A 100!!!! ❤️💕 💝 💯

In what order would YOU put them?