How did the Qin dynasty lose the Mandate of Heaven?

(1 point)

through invasions by nomadic herdsmen the emperor's army couldn't defend against

through invasions by nomadic herdsmen the emperor's army couldn't defend against

through natural disasters the government was unable to cope with

through natural disasters the government was unable to cope with

through famine caused by many years of drought

through famine caused by many years of drought

through uprisings caused by the harsh policies of Legalism

through uprisings caused by the harsh policies of Legalism.

The Qin dynasty lost the Mandate of Heaven through a combination of factors. One factor was invasions by nomadic herdsmen that the emperor's army couldn't defend against. Another factor was natural disasters that the government was unable to cope with. Additionally, there was a famine caused by many years of drought. Finally, uprisings were caused by the harsh policies of Legalism.

To find this information, you can refer to historical records and texts about the Qin dynasty and the events that led to its downfall. These texts may include primary sources, such as official accounts and historical documents from that period, as well as secondary sources like books and articles written by historians. By studying these sources, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the factors that contributed to the loss of the Mandate of Heaven by the Qin dynasty.

The Qin dynasty lost the Mandate of Heaven through a combination of factors. One of these factors was invasions by nomadic herdsmen that the emperor's army couldn't successfully defend against. This weakened the dynasty's military power and undermined its authority. Additionally, the government was unable to effectively cope with natural disasters that occurred during the dynasty's rule. These natural disasters further weakened the dynasty's ability to maintain control and protect its people. Another contributing factor was a famine caused by many years of drought, which led to widespread suffering and discontent among the population. Finally, the Qin dynasty faced uprisings caused by the harsh policies of Legalism, a philosophy that emphasized strict rules and severe punishments. These policies provoked widespread dissatisfaction and rebellion against the dynasty's oppressive rule. Overall, these factors combined to erode the Qin dynasty's legitimacy and ultimately result in its loss of the Mandate of Heaven.