Illustrate the reasons for conflict between the superpowers by dragging and dropping the descriptions to the appropriate label.

Private citizens start new businesses.
Government planners make all decisions.
Private property is allowed.
Private property is not allowed.
command economy
free-market economy

Soviet Cold War economy
U.S. Cold War economy


Drag and drop? Does this mean that each of those items in the list needs to be identified with one or the other of the two choices?

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Certainly! Here is a breakdown of the reasons for conflict between the superpowers during the Cold War:

Soviet Cold War economy (command economy):
- Government planners make all decisions.
- Private property is not allowed.

U.S. Cold War economy (free-market economy):
- Private citizens start new businesses.
- Private property is allowed.

Please note that during the Cold War, the Soviet Union (USSR) and the United States were the two main superpowers, and their contrasting economic systems were one of the key factors contributing to their conflicts.

To understand the reasons for conflict between the superpowers, it is important to consider their different economic systems. The Soviet Union had a command economy, while the United States had a free-market economy.

In a command economy:
- Government planners make all decisions
- Private property is not allowed

In a free-market economy:
- Private citizens start new businesses
- Private property is allowed

Now, let's match these descriptions to the appropriate superpower and economic system:

- Soviet Cold War economy:
- Government planners make all decisions
- Private property is not allowed

- U.S. Cold War economy:
- Private citizens start new businesses
- Private property is allowed

By dragging and dropping the descriptions under the appropriate labels, you would match:

[Soviet Cold War economy]
- Government planners make all decisions
- Private property is not allowed

[U.S. Cold War economy]
- Private citizens start new businesses
- Private property is allowed

This contrast in economic systems often led to conflicts and ideological differences between the superpowers during the Cold War.