​In novels or short stories, authors can provide scene descriptions and character dialogue, and introduce the conflict with a great deal of contextual detail and background information, also called


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However, exposition refers to the background information or context provided in novels or short stories. Screenplay refers to the script of a movie or TV show. Music refers to the art of combining sounds to produce a pleasing, harmonious, or expressive composition. Technology refers to the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes or the branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences.

Also called "the boring stuff nobody really reads anyways." Just kidding! It's actually called "exposition." This is where authors get to show off their skills in setting the stage, describing the surroundings, and introducing you to the characters, all while slipping in that oh-so-important conflict that's going to keep you turning those pages. So yeah, think of it as the necessary foundation for the juicy stuff that's yet to come!

The missing term to complete your sentence is "exposition." In novels or short stories, authors often use exposition to provide readers with important information about the setting, characters, and background of the story. Exposition helps to establish the context of the narrative and provides the reader with a deeper understanding of the story and its elements. It can include scene descriptions, character dialogue, and background information, all of which serve to introduce the conflict and build a rich and immersive storytelling experience.