When I am writing an essay how will I reference if at the begining of the paragraph I get information from the site and then on the next paragraph I get information from that same site?

First of all, make sure you have all the appropriate information listed correctly on your Works Cited page. If you don't have a Works Cited page started or completed, do that first.


For in-text citations, read and follow the directions here:
Read especially the sections called Basic in-text citation rules and then scroll down and read and follow directions here: Citing non-print or sources from the Internet

When referencing information from the same website in two consecutive paragraphs, you should cite each paragraph separately to provide clarity. In the first paragraph, you can cite the source as usual, mentioning the author (if available), the title of the article or webpage, the name of the website, the publication date (if provided), and the URL.

For example:

According to Smith (2019), in his article "The Effects of Climate Change," he argues that rising global temperatures have severe consequences on ecosystems.

In the next paragraph, you can cite the same source again to acknowledge where the information comes from. You don't need to repeat all the publication details, but including a brief reference will help the reader understand that the information is still derived from that source.

For example:

Building upon Smith's (2019) research, it is evident that climate change is not only affecting ecosystems but also leading to more frequent extreme weather events.

By providing these citations, you give credit to the original author and allow readers to locate the source for further information. Additionally, it helps establish the credibility and reliability of your essay by acknowledging the sources you have consulted.