1 x (4)-8 x 9/-3

This is a question from khan academy and it says the answer is 20. When it shows their work, it shows they are doing the 9/-3 division first, is that correct? Isnt the -8x9 first?

1 x (4)-8 x 9/-3

1*4 - 8*9/3
= 4 - 72/3
= 4 - 24
= -20

1x(4) - 8x9/-3

1*4 - 72/-3
4 - (-24)

To solve the expression 1 x (4)-8 x 9/-3, we need to follow the order of operations, which is also known as PEMDAS (parentheses, exponents, multiplication and division from left to right, and addition and subtraction from left to right).

In this case, we do not have any parentheses or exponents, so we move on to multiplication and division. Multiplication and division have the same level of priority and should be performed from left to right.

So, let's break down the expression step by step:

1 x (4) - 8 x 9 / -3

We start with multiplication: 1 x 4 = 4

Now we have: 4 - 8 x 9 / -3

Next, we have to perform the multiplication: -8 x 9 = -72

Now we have: 4 - 72 / -3

Finally, we perform the division: -72 / -3 = 24

Now we have: 4 - 24

And lastly, we do the subtraction: 4 - 24 = -20

Therefore, the correct answer is -20, not 20 as mentioned in your question. It seems there might be an error in the source you mentioned.

To avoid confusion, always remember to perform the operations in the order indicated by PEMDAS.