Rachel’s biscuits require 0.75 cup of milk for 1 batch. Use dimensional analysis to convert this amount into liters. Use the conversion factors 1 cup/0.5 pints to convert cups into pints, 1 pint/0.5 quart to convert pintos to quarts, and 1 quart/0.94 liter to convert quarts to liters. Use the correct number of significant digits to give your answer

.75c * .5pt/c * ...

keep tacking on the conversion factors, making sure that the old units cancel out.


To convert 0.75 cups of milk to liters, we will use the given conversion factors in dimensional analysis:

1 cup/0.5 pints
1 pint/0.5 quart
1 quart/0.94 liter

Let's set up the calculation:

0.75 cups * (0.5 pints/1 cup) * (0.5 quart/1 pint) * (0.94 liter/1 quart)

Now let's solve it step-by-step:

0.75 cups * (0.5 pints/1 cup) = 0.75 * 0.5 pints = 0.375 pints

0.375 pints * (0.5 quart/1 pint) = 0.375 * 0.5 quarts = 0.1875 quarts

0.1875 quarts * (0.94 liter/1 quart) = 0.1875 * 0.94 liters = 0.17625 liters

Since we want to use the correct number of significant digits, the final answer should be rounded to the appropriate number of decimal places:

0.1875 liters rounded to the correct number of significant digits = 0.19 liters

Therefore, Rachel's biscuits require approximately 0.19 liters of milk for 1 batch.

To convert 0.75 cups of milk to liters using dimensional analysis, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert cups to pints using the conversion factor 1 cup/0.5 pints.
0.75 cups * (0.5 pints/1 cup) = 0.375 pints

Step 2: Convert pints to quarts using the conversion factor 1 pint/0.5 quart.
0.375 pints * (0.5 quart/1 pint) = 0.1875 quarts

Step 3: Convert quarts to liters using the conversion factor 1 quart/0.946 liter (approximately 0.94 L).
0.1875 quarts * (0.946 liter/1 quart) = 0.177375 liters (rounded to the correct number of significant digits)

Therefore, 0.75 cups of milk is approximately equal to 0.177 L when rounded to the correct number of significant digits.