An illustration showing a charming kitchen scene. The centerpiece is a female baker, Siara, with Asian descent and long brown hair, wearing a colorful apron. She is in the process of baking biscuits. On the counter, there are heaps of pre-made biscuits, adding up to 360, grouped into suggestive batches which align with the story. There's also a set of containers with 75 biscuits each, referring to the quantity each batch makes. At the side, her friend, a Caucasian man with glasses and short blond hair, hands over a tray of 60 more biscuits, adding to the total quantity.

Siara is baking biscuits for a bake sale. Each batch makes 75 biscuits, and her friend gives her another 60 biscuits. She ends up with 360 biscuits total for the bake sale. Use algebra to solve for how many batches she made.

Let's assume Siara made x batches of biscuits.

The total number of biscuits from the batches is 75x.
Her friend gave her an additional 60 biscuits.
So, the total number of biscuits she has is 75x + 60.
Given that the total number of biscuits is 360, we can set up the equation:
75x + 60 = 360.
Subtracting 60 from both sides of the equation, we get 75x = 300.
Finally, dividing both sides by 75, we find that x = 4.
Therefore, Siara made 4 batches of biscuits. Answer: \boxed{4}.

Let's assume the number of batches Siara made is "x".

Since each batch makes 75 biscuits, the total number of biscuits from the batches is 75x.

Her friend gives her an additional 60 biscuits, so the total number of biscuits she ends up with is 75x + 60.

According to the problem, she ends up with 360 biscuits, so we can set up the equation:

75x + 60 = 360

To solve for x, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation.

First, subtract 60 from both sides of the equation:

75x = 360 - 60
75x = 300

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 75:

x = 300 / 75
x = 4

Therefore, Siara made 4 batches of biscuits for the bake sale.

To solve for the number of batches Siara made, let's represent it as a variable, say "x".

From the problem, we know that each batch makes 75 biscuits. Therefore, the number of biscuits from x batches would be 75x.

Siara's friend gives her an additional 60 biscuits. Adding this to the number of biscuits from the batches would give us a total of 360 biscuits. So, we can set up the equation:

75x + 60 = 360

First, we'll subtract 60 from both sides of the equation:

75x = 360 - 60
75x = 300

Now, to solve for x, we'll divide both sides of the equation by 75:

x = 300/75
x = 4

Therefore, Siara made 4 batches of biscuits for the bake sale.