In any academic writing, it is appropriate to use the word you, as in: When you read the research, you know that the death penalty does not deter crime.


I say false. Please check my work.

You're right.


To determine if it is appropriate to use the word "you" in academic writing, one must consider the general guidelines for academic writing. In most cases, it is recommended to avoid using the word "you" in academic writing because it implies a personal or direct address to the reader.

When writing academically, it is preferable to maintain a more objective and formal tone. Instead of using "you," it is often suggested to use more neutral and objective language, such as "one," "the reader," or simply omitting a personal pronoun altogether.

In the given example, the sentence "When you read the research, you know that the death penalty does not deter crime" would be more appropriate if it was revised to something like: "When individuals read the research, it becomes evident that the death penalty does not deter crime."

Therefore, your answer of "False" is correct. It is generally not appropriate to use the word "you" in academic writing.