of the 5 food groups, which should be consumed in smallest amount?

A: Dairy
B: Fruits
C: Grains
D: Protein

I think A

Yep. It's A

I agree.


I think it is A. If you consumed A. You are likely to get trans fat.

The answer is protein because the other 4 groups you should consume in cups and in protein you should only consume ounces

yay the answer is d

To determine which of the five food groups should be consumed in the smallest amount, we need to consider the general dietary recommendations. The five food groups are fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy. Each food group provides essential nutrients needed for a balanced diet. However, the amount of consumption may vary depending on an individual's dietary needs and preferences.

In general, the food group that should be consumed in the smallest amount is the group that tends to have higher calorie content or can be easily overconsumed. From the given choices, dairy is the food group that typically contains higher amounts of calories and saturated fats compared to the others. Therefore, it is recommended to consume dairy products in moderation.

It's worth noting that different individuals may have specific dietary requirements or restrictions based on factors such as age, health conditions, or personal preferences. It is always ideal to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian who can provide personalized dietary advice based on your specific needs.

The answer is D