Analyze an example of new technological use that contradicts the principle of technological determinism. In other words, think of an example in which culture, social context, or other factors result in very different uses of an identical technological device. “New technology” for the purposes of this question refers to the Internet, wireless technology, and other technological innovations that attained widespread use after 1990.

** i do not understand this in "...other factors result in very different uses of an identical technological device."

what does it mean by different uses of an identical technological device??

plz help urgent

How is a plain ol' ordinary cell phone (if you can find one!) different from an iPhone or a Blackberry?

oo thank u so much !

Certainly! When it says "different uses of an identical technological device," it means that despite having the same technological device, different cultures, social contexts, or other factors can lead to people using that device in diverse ways.

To better understand this concept, let's consider an example.

Example: Smartphone Usage in Different Cultures

Identical Technological Device: Smartphone

Cultural and Social Contexts:

1. Japan: In Japan, smartphones are often used as personal organizers and digital wallets. The cultural emphasis on efficiency and organization has led to the development of numerous apps and features that enhance productivity. Additionally, mobile payments through smartphones are widely accepted and commonly used in daily transactions.

2. USA: In the United States, smartphones are commonly used for social media, entertainment, and communication purposes. Social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter dominate the smartphone usage landscape. Streaming services for music and videos, as well as various messaging apps, are also widely popular.

3. India: In India, smartphones are often used as a primary means of accessing the internet due to limited computer access and infrastructure. Smartphones facilitate various online activities such as mobile banking, e-commerce, and education. Additionally, messaging apps like WhatsApp are extensively used for communication and social interaction.

In this example, the identical technological device, the smartphone, is used differently based on the cultural and social contexts. While the device itself is the same, the various cultural factors, such as values, traditions, and societal norms, influence how people use smartphones in their everyday lives. These differences demonstrate that technology does not determine how it is used; rather, culture and social context play significant roles in shaping the utility and purpose of a particular technological device.