suppose you are able to run at a constant speed of 11mph how long would it take you to run a marathon which is 26.2 miles? what percent of the marathon would you have completed after running 30 minutes?


time= distance/speed

30 min= 1/2 hour for the last one.

To calculate the time it would take to run a marathon at a constant speed of 11 mph, we can use the formula:

time = distance / speed

Substituting the given values, we have:

time = 26.2 miles / 11 mph

Dividing 26.2 by 11, we find that it would take approximately 2.3836 hours to run the marathon.

To calculate the percentage of the marathon completed after running for 30 minutes, we first need to convert the time to the same units. Since we have the speed in miles per hour, we need to convert 30 minutes to hours.

30 minutes is equal to 0.5 hours (since there are 60 minutes in an hour, and 30/60 = 0.5).

Next, we can use the formula:

percentage = (elapsed time / total time) x 100

Substituting the values, we get:

percentage = (0.5 hours / 2.3836 hours) x 100

Dividing 0.5 by 2.3836 and multiplying by 100, we find that after running for 30 minutes, you would have completed approximately 21% of the marathon.