An advantage of using narratives in your speech is that they:

A- Explain abstract concepts
B- Calm emotions
C- Create excitement
D- Clarify technical ideas
I chose D. Would that b correct?

nope. In explaining abstract concepts, it is often helpful to put them in first person perspective.

Yes, your choice of D - "Clarify technical ideas" - as an advantage of using narratives in your speech is correct.

When you use narratives in your speech, you can effectively clarify technical ideas by presenting them in a relatable and understandable context. Narratives allow you to tell stories, create visuals, and engage your audience emotionally. By incorporating real-life scenarios or examples into your speech, you can help your audience grasp complex technical concepts more easily.

To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate the other options:

A - "Explain abstract concepts": Although narratives can help make abstract concepts more concrete, their primary strength lies in clarifying technical ideas rather than abstract ones.

B - "Calm emotions": While narratives can evoke emotions, their primary purpose is not to calm emotions but to enhance understanding and engagement.

C - "Create excitement": Narratives do have the ability to create excitement, but their main advantage lies in clarifying technical ideas rather than solely generating excitement.

Therefore, D - "Clarify technical ideas" - is the most appropriate option in this case.