What is a benefit of using a model?(1 point)

accounts for all details of the real phenomenon

provides a visual guide for abstract concepts***

predicts conditions of future events

negates the need for further experimentation


Biology B Semester Exam

1.What is a benefit of using a model?
answer: provides a visual guide for abstract concepts

2.Which term is used to describe a two-phase anabolic pathway in which light energy is converted into chemical energy?
answer: photosynthesis

3.Prokaryotic cells that can use cellular respiration to make energy perform some of that process using the cell membrane, since they lack membrane-bound organelles. Eukaryotic cells, on the other hand, start the process of cellular respiration __________ and finish it __________.
answer: in the cytoplasm; in the mitochondria

4.Scientists are concerned about bee species dying off. They are pollinators, and if they are gone, many plant species will die off because they cannot reproduce. This will cause a population crash. What will happen to biodiversity and sustainability as a result?
answer: Biodiversity will decrease, and sustainability will decrease.

5.Grasses are the dominant producers in the prairie ecosystem. Mice eat the grass seeds, snakes eat the mice, and hawks eat the snakes.

The mass of a hawk is around 500 grams.

In this ecosystem, how many hawks can be supported by 250,000 kilograms of producers?

Recall that 1 kilogram is equivalent to 1,000 grams.

6.If 100,000 kJ of energy is available to the producers, how much energy is available to the secondary consumers in this food pyramid?
answer: 1,000 kJ

7.An organism that is classified as anaerobic can perform respiration
answer: without oxygen.

8.Which extremophile can thrive in Utah’s Great Salt Lake, which has an extraordinarily large amount of salt? halophiles

9.Which structural feature is expressed in both mosses and ferns? answer: Both produce spores.

10.A scientist comparing angiosperms with a dichotomous key would most likely be categorizing these trees according to differences in
answer: flowers

11.How has DNA analysis changed classification?
answer: Since all living organisms share common DNA, genetic similarities and differences have become more reliable tools for classification.

12.Which is an unseen factor that affects the carrying capacity of the ocean? answer: water chemistry

13.__________ can increase biodiversity. answer: Protecting land
14. Which ecosystem has the least biodiversity? answer: cornfield
15.The effects of acid rain are most evident in a tundra biome because.
answer; the acid rain causes the snow to become darker, which increases snow melt.

16.Of the ways that populations can evolve over time, __________ is the only mechanism in which the environment selects for better adapted individuals whereas __________ selects traits by random chance. answer; natural selection; genetic drift

17.Biological evolution is defined as a change in the __________ of a species over time. genetic makeup
18.Which piece of evidence best supports the hypothesis that the evolution of altruistic behavior is driven by kin selection? A meerkat protects the offspring of its sister from an attack by hawks.
19.Pandas have become specifically adapted to bamboo forests because they depend on the bamboo for food. Pandas also have a very slow reproduction rate. Females are only capable of becoming pregnant during a 24-to-72-hour window once per year, and they typically only give birth to one cub in the wild. Based on this information, if a major environmental catastrophe like a volcanic eruption or meteor strike destroyed all bamboo forests within the panda ecosystem, what will most likely happen to the panda species? The species will become extinct since it cannot adapt to the changes fast enough.
20.What must be true about the population in order for evolution by natural selection to take place? The population must have genetic variation that leads to differential survival and reproduction.
21.What is a specific example of competitive advantage exhibited by Darwin’s finches? Medium ground finches with small beaks survived multiple droughts.
22.Do mutations always lead to evolution?
Responses: No, because some mutations happen in body cells, so they are not passed on.
23.Which statement about correlation and causation is true?
Responses; Correlation sometimes indicates causation.
24.What is true about this scenario? It shows evidence of evolution.
25.What is likely to happen if this bacteria population becomes phage-resistant? This bacteria population will evolve fewer efflux pumps and become vulnerable to antibiotics.
26.Based on this fossil record data, between which two rock layers does there appear to have been a mass extinction event? B and C
27.Which statement is true about DNA?
Responses; DNA sequences can be analyzed to discover common ancestors.
28.When classifying organisms, all of these qualities are important, but which one can most accurately tell us how closely related two species are? DNA analysis
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Well, using a model can definitely provide a visual guide for abstract concepts. It's like having a little diorama or a scaled-down version of reality, but hopefully without the tiny people asking you existential questions. So, yes, that's one point for the benefits of using a model!

The correct answer is: provides a visual guide for abstract concepts.

When using a model, it can visually represent and simplify complex or abstract concepts, making them easier to understand and analyze. Models can be in the form of diagrams, physical replicas, or even computer simulations. By using models, we can gain insights, identify patterns, and make predictions about how the real phenomenon may behave or change under different conditions. They serve as a visual guide that aids in conceptualizing and studying various aspects of the subject matter.