Given line AB, explain how to contruct a square with sides of length AB.

this site is like the funniest place to find answers

Wtf are these replies, and why did that girl get so many dislikes just for correcting her typo jeez

a. make a perpendicular bissector of segment AB. labele the intersection x

b. Now measure and arc of length AB from A, and B, x.
Now make an arc of length Ax from the top of the perpenduclar bisector where your length AB arc intersected the perpendicular.

Now, make a the same arc to the over B arc, and you have all four courners now plotted.

Is the 2016 answer still relevant?

because thats not helpful and no one cares everyone knew what she meant

idk i’m just now submitting the test with bobpursley’s answer, i’ll let y’all know what score i get

@ bro help What did you score?

Just so yall know, bobpersley isnt being a ms soe. he actually gave the correct answer 😂

youre supposed to explain how to solve, not actually solve.

for real its been 5 months broski

gotta love the universal rule, that if someone says "ill post my score in a few days" they never keep up with their promas and never end up posting what they got.
